Coinbase Earn $4 in GRT: all quiz answers!

Coinbase is one of the oldest and largest cryptocurrency exchanges around. On Coinbase, you’ll regularly find ‘learn & earn‘ opportunities, called ‘Coinbase Earn’.

Every Coinbase Earn course consists of multiple animated lessons, in which you’ll learn about a cryptocurrency. You’ll get one quiz question for each ‘lesson’ in the course, and will be rewarded for picking the correct answers. Usually, the rewards is paid out in the cryptocurrency you have just learned about.

As of April 2022, this course about  The Graph (GRT) is available to every new user.

New Coinbase Earn courses are added over time, so your free crypto earnings will add up over time as well! Note that not every Coinbase Earn course will always be available to every user at the same time.

Tip: To take part in Coinbase Earn, you’ll need a Coinbase account. If you don’t have a Coinbase account yet, click here to sign up with our referral link, and get a free bonus!

Coinbase Earn The Graph (GRT) quiz answers!

You can start this Coinbase Earn course by going here directly. This course consists of 4 lessons, each with one quiz questions. Every correct answer will earn you $1 worth of GRT!

To make sure you’ll earn the full $4 in GRT, here are all quiz questions and answers:

Question 1: What information is indexed by The Graph?

  • Answer: Blockchain data

Question 2: What do you earn for delegating GRT to an Indexer?

  • Answer: GRT tokens

Question 3: Who identifies high-quality, useful data on The Graph?

  • Answer: Curators

Question 4: What’s the best way to earn GRT rewards?

  • Answer: Delegate to a high-quality Indexer

That’s all! The $4 worth of GRT will automatically be credited to your Coinbase account, and show up under ‘Your assets’.